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Aweber Vs GetResponse: Which Tool Is Right For YOU In 2023?

Aweber Vs GetResponse

Aweber Vs GetResponse

When it comes to marketing everyone is spending $$$’s on marketing but can you manually reach out to every lead one by one?

Sure, if you are running a very small store or dealing with a few clients and don’t want to scale your business then it is better to have reached out manually.

And this is the age of the internet.

Each day thousands of people click onto your website and you can’t email to everyone manually. That’s where email marketing autoresponder / automation come in.

Tools like Aweber and GetResponse help entrepreneurs a platform where they can manage their contact list, manage campaigns, nurture leads and increase business in automation.

However, just like any other tool in your business growth kit these days, it’s worth making sure you’re picking the right email marketing service for your needs.

So, how do you decide between Aweber vs GetResponse?

Well, that’s the tough part.

Fortunately, we’re here to help.

Aweber and GetResponse: Basics

Aweber and GetResponse are both email marketing service providers.

That doesn’t mean they deliver the same results, however.

Aweber boldly claims to “be” email marketing.

I’m not really sure what that means, but it’s a bold claim, so good for them:

With over 25 years of heritage behind them (launched in 1998), the Aweber team certainly helped to introduce email marketing to the world. Currently, there’s more than 100,000 small businesses and entrepreneurs using the tool each day worldwide.

GetResponse is the same age as Aweber, launched in 1998, which indicates that their “About” page is a bit outdated…

Still, GetResponse has more than 350,000 customers spread across 183 countries – so the company must be doing something right.

They claim to be the world’s easiest email marketing tool – that’s another bold claim:

Getresponse Worlds Easiest Email Marketing

At first glance, the two companies are pretty similar. Heck, they were even started in the same year. However, as you’ll see during this Aweber vs GetResponse review, there’s more to most email marketing tools than meets the eye.

Email marketing is an essential part of any business looking to grow its customer base, increase engagement, and drive sales. To achieve your long term business goals, it’s essential to select the right email marketing platform that meets your business needs and goals. 

There are two popular email marketing platforms that you might have come across are Aweber and

In this blog post, we will understand and take a closer look at Aweber vs GetResponse and provide a detailed comparison of their features, pricing, ease of use, integrations, and customer support.

Aweber and GetResponse are both popular email marketing platforms that offer a wide range of features to help businesses of all sizes. 

Aweber is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a popular choice among small business owners and bloggers. 

GetResponse, on the other hand, offers more advanced features, making it a great choice for larger businesses and marketers. In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into the features of both platforms, so you can decide which one is the best fit for your business.

Aweber Vs GetResponse: Pricing

Let’s start simple

Untill, unless you have got free cash flow to push into your marketing budget, then you are going to need to take pricing pretty seriously. 

Although an email marketing tool is always needed and pretty great, you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on software when they could be using it for acquiring new business or pizza parties or anything, right?

So let’s start with checking out GetResponse pricing.

First of all, you get the usual features to choose how many subscribers you have, how often you want to pay your bill. If you go for 12 or 24 months, you get a good percentage discount.

Starting with the basic of 500 subscribers, there are 4 fundamental plans:

Free: 2,500 newsletters, 1 landing page, website builder, connect your domain and signup forms and popups.

Email Marketing: $19 per month free plan plus for unlimited emails, AI Email generator, unlimited newsletters, unlimited landing pages, website builders, basic segmentation, autoresponders..

Marketing Automation: $59 per month for everything in Basic, plus marketing automation, event based automation, webinars, advanced segmentation, contact scoring and sales funnels. 

Ecommerce Marketing: $99 per month for everything in marketing automation, as well as quick transaction emails, ecommerce segmentation, abandoned cart recovery, promo codes, product recommendations, web push notifications. 

Now, there is the thing about GetResponse pricing.

You need to be on the high pricing packet to get the basic functionality like contact scoring and tagging. Tagging your contacts list is pretty much a must have functionality for any autoresponder.

I am sure you probably guessed, the more contact your list grows, the more expensive your package becomes. Here’s what you are looking at if you’re lucky enough to have up to 100,000 subscribers.

If you got even more than 100,000 subscribers?

Then you need to upgrade to an enterprise offering.

That means tailor-made functionality is for a custom (and probably pretty significant) price.

The good news?

If you’re a non-profit you can get up to 50% off with GetResponse for NonProfits – so that’s great news for charities that need extra help. 

There’s also the option to sign up for a 30-day free trial with no credit card required. Now that’s something I love to see.

The beauty of free trial is you don’t get a lame diluted version of GetResponse. You can test out everything from advanced analytics to automated tools.

We had enough discussion about GetResponse pricing.

Now let’s check out Aweber’s pricing.

First things first, Aweber also gives you a free trial for 30 days – which is fantastic news.

You also get access to a bunch of great features, including access to Aweber’s handy email experts which are available to teach you how to get the most of your new tool. That’s a level of support that I’ve never seen from free trials with other tools.

Aweber doesn’t provide as many contacts on the free trial as you get with GetResponse. But, 500 subscribers is still enough to test the email marketing service of Aweber. 

As soon as your free trial ends, you have 3 paid plans to get into Aweber email marketing services.

This price is based on how many subscribers you have got. If you have more than 500 subscribers than pricing will be different.

I personally didn’t like this pricing 

The packages include:

It means that you can start off with a basic package and ramp up as your business grows. In other words, your email marketing tool grows with your organization.

Like with GetResponse, if you need something bigger and more bespoke, then you’ll need to contact the Aweber team for an enterprise quote.

There are no long-term contracts to worry about, so you can upgrade (or even downgrade) whenever you like.


As per cost GetResponse is about $11 per month cheaper compared to Aweber equivalent plan for 1000 subscribers. Also you get a huge discount of 18% or 30% if you choose to pay for one or two years in one go.

I would give Aweber if I need some extra features with paying a little extra money.

You can always upgrade your plan as per your business growth and use premium features.

Aweber Vs GetResponse: Email Templates

I hope it is clear what kind of price you’re budgeting for. Let’s take a look at some templates on both email marketing service providers.

Both Aweber and GetResponse offer a wide range of professionally designed email templates that can help you create engaging and visually appealing emails. 

Here are some details about the email templates offered by both tools.

Templates are the must have features for any auto-responder strategy because they make sure you can create professional emails for your business, even if you have never written a line of coding.

Ultimately, it will be your preference of GetResponse vs Aweber templates that you are probably going to use, but in my personal opinion, GetResponse is absolutely the best.

Very simple process: when you click on the “Create Newsletter” option in your dashboard, you see two options: HTML or drag and drop email editor.

In simple words, GetResponse can make hard work easy for you, you can show off your coding skill, whatever works best.

If you want to save your time and efforts, you’re probably gonna click on the “drag and drop” email editor.

GetResponse gives you access to unlimited email templates. You can always select them by filtering out options.

All templates are attractive, clean and optimized for the most part. There’s a handful in there that do look a little old-fashioned, but hey – you can’t win them all.

So, how does Aweber measure up to GetResponse templates?

Well, once again you get a bunch of template options, starting with some simple, bare-bones options for people who prefer to build from scratch.

However, when you scroll down to some of the more colorful options, things start to get a bit outdated, in my opinion.

But hey, I’ll give them a break long enough to test out the drag-and-drop editor.

You can make any changes you want here like the background colors, fonts and buttons. Overall, the experience feels so much more basic with Aweber, which is a bit of a drawback or disappointing.


I like GetResponse personally, GetResponse offers more templates to choose that fit with the modern email landscape and smoother drag and drop builder for editing. 

Aweber is fine but it looks like they just want you to upgrade your plan.

Aweber Vs GetResponse: Ease Of Use And UI

We already mentioned templates and email building, now time to check how easy both tools are Aweber and GetResponse.

After all, you want to feel comfortable using whatever email marketing tool you have.

GetResponse has very simple functionality once you log in because GetResponse wants to be the easiest email marketing tool worldwide.

Now coming to setting up your email list is as simple as either loading a CSV file or entering the email addresses you want to include step by step.

Additionally, the dashboard is significantly more feature-rich than Aweber. That makes sense when you consider the fact that GetResponse has evolved to offer a lot more than “just” email marketing service.

Not only do you get more options to click on, but they’re also neatly organized in your UI. I hate logging into an email dashboard and feeling like I’ve been hit with an avalanche of buttons and data. You just don’t get that with GetResponse.

Even better?

The handy “Quick Actions” on the home page are a fantastic way to begin building emails and setting up marketing automation features from the minute you log in. There’s no need to search through a navigation panel for the tools you need.

Aweber also offers a simple enough experience when you log in for the first time.

You can add people to your list one at a time or load up a CSV file to access contacts in bulk.

Let’s check it, who wants to spend hours entering emails one by one?

Managing subscribers is easy peasy too. You can even customize a confirmation email that your customers will receive when they sign up with you.

That’s awesome if you’re looking to implement double opt-in to keep your email list clean.


GetResponse lives up to its claims of being the easiest email marketing tool here – at least in my opinion. I love the way the user interface feels – simple and straight to the point. Plus, the Quick Actions options are fantastic for when you’re in a hurry to get started. 

Since I don’t have a great deal of patience, it was great that I didn’t have to spend forever looking for tools. 

Weber Vs GetResponse: The Verdict

Both GetResponse and Aweber provide plenty of tools to help businesses create emails, communicate with their lists, and deliver highly effective nurturing campaigns.

However, I can safely say that GetResponse comes out as the winner in this comparison.

GetResponse a more immersive solution than Aweber, and it comes with a wider range of marketing tools to help you improve your conversions – rather than “just” nurturing leads.

Pick GetResponse If:

Pick Aweber If:

Keep in mind that both options come with a free trial, so there’s nothing to stop you from testing out both GetResponse and Aweber before you decide on one over the other.

In fact – I’d recommend you do that!

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