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In this article I will address these 13 questions you should consider before buying this AI writing tool:

  1. Should you buy
    1. If Yes, then why? b. If No, then why not?
  2. What are the features of this content writing tool?
  3. What are the pros and cons of this software?
  4. What are the pricing plans?
  5. How is better than other software writing tools in the market?
  6. What does offer that content marketing experts have given such rave reviews?
  7. Can software write better than humans?
  8. Can you depend on this tool and dump your content writers?
  9. Will this tool take care of your creative needs while maintaining a humane tone?
  10. What are user reviews of this product after using it for a long time?
  11. What strategy do you have to implement with your content writers to take maximum benefit from this product?
  12. What can your marketing team do to help you create content in this tool which will bring in sales/inquiries?
  13. What can this tool do which your content team cannot do?
Image: How To Write A Captivating Article Review

Everyone wants to be a content writer these days, even computers! Everything is getting automated these days. Industrial Revolution replaced manual labor with machines and now the Digital Revolution might just replace hard-working content writers with Artificially Intelligent software tools. Moreover, no boring software tool. is the old name.

It now has a cool name too! Wanna guess what? Tony Stark’s assistant? Ring a bell? Not Pepper Potts! She was someone to remember, yes! The digital assistant that helped him become Iron Man and thereafter an Avenger. Yes, Jarvis, the household butler of the Stark family. It could become your butler for copywriting and Search engine optimized content for your blogs and articles. Interested? Read on!

Features of this awesome content writing tool:

There are some cool features that this tool offers:

  • Jarvis has read 10% of the entire internet.
  • It writes completely original content that is plagiarism-free and is optimized for SEO.
  • The biggest point they are trying to sell is that
  • Jarvis can read, write and translate in over 25 languages.
  • You can get started with it for free and it has more than 50+ writing skills that it has been trained with.
  • It is being used by industry experts and you must have read some content on the internet by now created by Jarvis and haven’t even realized it.
  • Trusted by over 30K+ content creators and marketing professionals at top-notch organizations like Google, IBM, Airbnb, etc.
  • The best thing about this tool is it helps writers and content creators say goodbye to the much dreaded “writer’s block”.

Pros of this amazing content writing tool

Although this is not a definite pro for the tool, one has to appreciate the fact that the Website has really awesome UI with great animations and surreal color blending. The website is responsive and SEO-friendly. This is important because if the tool claims to be the best in the business then it has to have a website that supports its claim. The web development team should be appreciated for their hard work here.

The thing that fascinated me the most was that you can select the tone you want for the content and it adapts to it seamlessly. The tool produces niche content at the few clicks of your mouse.

 Check out this video where the creators of Jarvis talk about how you can write your own book

 5X faster Check out some of the content written by the tool

There are always certain questions in the minds of someone who is trying to break into the content writing industry. A few of them are:

  • How to become a content writer?
  • How to write SEO-friendly content?
  • How to get rid of writer’s block as a content writer?
  • How to increase words in my blog/article?

This tool aids you in your journey to becoming a top-earning content writer/blogger in the industry. Whether you started content writing as a passive income idea/side hustle, what tools like these do is make your working experience enjoyable so that you look forward to working the next day. This is the review of the content marketing specialists working with this tool who are full-time in this business.

Comparison with other tools

The major problem with content writing is writing the first draft which takes ages to write because everyone knows that once the first draft is done, the rest of the article literally writes itself. Jarvis helps you write this first draft much faster than your peers. Then the next problem comes in when you want your article/blog to rank on Google within the top 4 results. Here helps you by providing keywords that will be unique in your post and

plagiarism-free. The content creation can be sometimes painstakingly stuck where your mind just does not seem to work and the client is breathing in your neck, here this artificially intelligent software tool does its job by providing you phrases to begin your first draft.

The job of content creation in a language other than your native language is a barrier for many professionals around the world. This tool has solved this problem by providing its services of translation in 25+ languages. It helps you write creatively in any language of your choice.

Repurposing existing content without hiring junior content writers is money saved and well invested into

This way you are reinvesting your profits to create more content and setting up a chain of events that will cause a ripple effect of increasing sales and revenue for your clients and customers.

Lastly, you can create multiple versions and drafts of your content which will help you market it on Facebook. You can boost ad conversion by writing better copy which will help increase sales and improve ROAS.

The average spinner or rewriter tools will produce content that will either be rejected by your clients or not be good enough to get up the ranks on search engines. This is where Jarvis has broken the barriers and given its customers good quality SEO-optimized content. Of course, you will have to rephrase the sentences as per your requirements but you have to appreciate the fact that the tool is efficient, agile, and can produce content in a matter of a few clicks!

Cons of this artificially intelligent content writing software

Humans have an indomitable spirit to survive. We managed to survive wars, natural disasters, and pandemics. (writing this now feels much safer after getting the covid-19 vaccination)

Is this software good enough for declaring the end of content writers and bloggers? That is far from true as the thinking process and the wiring of the human brain produce something that software tools are from producing.

The creative process of the human mind is something that is exceptionally advanced and produces niche perspectives on a topic that cannot be taught to machines or be programmed by software engineers.

The AI conversion tool here is often seen to produce meaningless content which does not make any sense and is just one sentence/phrase reproduced to increase the word count of the piece. Although this is a con, it can be useful for high school/college students for completing some essay writing assignments that they have to submit the next morning. There cannot be a better solution and rather than copying the classmate’s work and both of you ending up in the professor’s cabin for plagiarism.

Cons of the software summarised:

  • Meaningless sentences
  • The flow of the sentences makes it look artificial
  • Common phrases of the sentence get repeated throughout the piece making the content boring


Chat Support and AI Copywriter’s community are included in all the pricing plans mentioned below. They have a 7-day money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the tool, although once you start using the tool, you will get addicted to it.

The plans available are:

  1. Starter- The plan begins at a very reasonable amount of 29$/month for 20k words generated by the tool. This pricing plan is mainly helping you to write the content that can help you start your content writing journey. For example headlines, descriptions, and bios.
    1. Only for short-form content.
    1. 5 project folders
  • Pro- The plan begins at 109$/month(1 user included) for unlimited words and 40$/month per additional user. This pricing plan is for you if you are a serious content creator and you don’t have too much time to waste in your schedule because this plan helps you with the real stuff such as blog posts, video scripts, and books.
  1. Long-form content.
    1. Unlimited project folders
  • Boss- The plan begins at 119$/month(1 user included) for unlimited words and 50$/month per additional user. This pricing plan is new. But as they say, this is the real deal. To be the best in business, we have to use the best tools available and that is what the latest Boss mode offers.
    • 2,000-3,000 Character Lookback
    • Unlimited Runs
    • Jarvis Commands

Bonus Tip: Try annual pricing as you will get 2 months free:

Here’s a link for your reference to watch a detailed review of Jarvis and its features: A detailed review of Conversion.AI


I am writing this review at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic has been controlled to great extent. This can be a good time to start content writing as a part-time/full-time job. This tool can help you not get stuck with projects and help meet those deadlines. This will not only help you earn money in the short term but also increase your credibility in the market as a thorough professional. This helps you not being in a “Survivor Mode” where you will spend most of the time searching for projects, but actually writing content and be in the “Warrior Mode”.

Thinking long term will help you utilize this tool in your daily projects and make you an indomitable professional who will attract clients like a magnet. Although, a word of caution here will be that you cannot outsource thinking and creative sensibilities on software. I have mentioned this in the Cons of this software. Wordplay and rephrasing sentences can be the forte of this tool to increase the length of your long-form content. But, in the short-form content things are not so easy where you can land soft punches on the reader and expect him to read on. This liberty you can have with your long-form content but when you have to create

short-form content, every word of yours must deal hard punches on your customer/potential

client. There this tool can maximize only when you start giving it words and ideas to work on, otherwise, this tool cannot work as a literal content writing assistant and do your job.

To summarise in a few points:

  • Easier to use with long-form content than short-form content
  • Pricing increases when using long-form content so have to keep your budget in mind before purchasing
  • Must be used in supervision by experienced content creators and not be exploited by noobies
  • Helpful in completing projects at a fast pace and meeting your deadlines
  • Boss Mode really justifies its name. The premium pricing gives you premium quality content that does not disappoint.
  • Creativity can be compromised while using this software and your content may look inauthentic and artificial
  • For beginners in the industry, this tool will not help you. Instead, try to build your clientele and portfolio from scratch which will help you get the hang of content creation. Once you feel you are fairly confident of your skills you can try the 10000 words free Trial Mode

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